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OK. Lets settle down for a minute 😊

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Will there be a physical example and audio book in the future?

Yes of course! Since I’ve made the choice to release my work independently, it’ll take some time structuring both. Book-printer will be contacted, the sound books material needs to be recorded. Interested speculators will be able to follow the sequence of events.

Why do you write a book?

Mainly it was therapeutic and a must to get it all written down for my health’s sake, that was swirling around in my head, when life took a drastic turn.
Compare it to a computer’s harddrive that’s full, impossible to take in new information before it’s emptied 🙂

Am I mentioned in your texts?

No, most likely not. Then if the case would be as such, there’s none getting referred to by their real name / identity except for myself. Everything is based on 100% genuine STORIES. The fineprint with just stories as such is that it’s my own interpretation, fictive elements may occur.

What a great initiative, can I contribute with something extra?

Thank you, absolutely! Except for the first book-release that isn’t finalized yet, you as a fan will be able to support me as a creator on Patreon. With a bonus-system that currently is not set in stone and work in progress, for instance written mentioning in the physical books release, personally signed example etc.

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