Have made up my mind to make the somewhat unorthodoxly choice with release, convinced that it’ll end up good regardless.
Digital version will be available first, sound book and physical book preliminary at the same time.
The earnings will 100% entirely go to start up a company (Swedish AB), to further develop the ambition to continue working as a scriptwriter. Already got numerous book-ideas, everything is about time and desire.
The absolutely biggest drive force lies within taking back the impact power as both myself as a creator, but also other efficient talents.
It’s since old times creatively sharp persons that end up getting exploited to the maximum, many times toils like an animal with all the heavy and demanding work, to at its peak getting bread crumbs back.
While the pig pelts with finances and 0 in talent cash in every single dime, numerous tragical fates in for example the music industry. I would like to change that; do YOU want that aswell? 😊✅

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