”It’s since old times creatively sharp persons that end up getting exploited to the maximum,
many times toils like an animal with all the heavy and demanding work, to at its peak getting bread crumbs back.”
”I would like to change that; do YOU want that aswell?”

Per svala, author with stories that affect

Cat pic? Cat picture!

”Fuck it – there somewhere about half an hour into the car journey I chose to just live for the moment, listen, mediate and suck in all of the energy that were just sparkling around her. The gut feeling and nervosity started totally heading south in explosions, in my wildest fantasy I felt, imagine if she was some form of a soulmate…”
Autobiography page 238

If we fast forward to that moment, it held up for maybe half an hour at most, before one thanked for myself and left school, to sleep 2 days in a row once again. Couldn’t be more obvious, all my spirit shone with its absence. I was totally run-down and wasn’t a moment of happiness and energy for anything, the only must is getting rest. Else I will die, for real...”
Autobiography page 224